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"My mission is to help people reach their financial goals so they can live life to its fullest. It may sound cliche, but it's why I've been doing what I've been doing for the past 2 decades. And I'll continue to do so in the next few decades!" - Jess

Retirement Planning Mistakes to Avoid

Apr 13, 2024
retirement planning mistakes personal finance investments insurance financial solutions

As we work hard every day to meet our immediate needs and try to prepare for the future, it’s easy to overlook the critical task of planning our retirement.

Maybe thinking that retirement is still far away, we tend to focus more on things like saving for our kids’ education or building up emergency funds. While there’s nothing wrong with it, we must keep in mind that preparing for our golden years is equally important.

It’s not just about financial security; it’s also about ensuring that we can live a comfortable life while enjoying the fruits of our labor.

So to help you with this, here are the top 3 mistakes that you must avoid when it comes to your retirement.

1. Not Planning Anything at All

When we go on a trip to a place we’re not familiar with, it’s essential to have a map. Otherwise, we might end up lost or stranded along the way.

And this is the same when you don’t plan anything for your retirement. You’re leaving your financial future up to chance and that’s risky. You could miss out on valuable opportunities like growing your savings and minimizing your taxes.

Saving money in a bank is not enough. You must create a roadmap to make sure you can meet your needs while maintaining your desired lifestyle. So, taking the time to map out your retirement plan is a smart move you won’t regret.

Plus, let’s not forget the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re on track to enjoy your life without financial stress.

Now that we’ve covered this, let’s go to the next mistake to avoid, which is…

2. Delaying the Planning

Time is one of your most valuable assets when it comes to building a secure retirement fund. It is a huge determinant of successful investing. So delaying the planning can have a negative impact on your financial situation.

Start working on your retirement as early as possible. Because the earlier you start, the more time your investments have to grow. It also allows you to make gradual adjustments and corrections along the way, reducing pressure as your retirement draws near.

Don’t rob yourself of the chance to build a solid financial foundation for later years, as this can leave you vulnerable to unexpected challenges.

Plan for your retirement today and ensure a smoother and more comfortable journey ahead.

3. Depending on Anyone

Relying on others when it comes to your retirement is not a good plan. That’s why you should avoid depending on anyone, like in the 2 examples below.

a. Depending on Your Children
It may seem like a safety net when you rely on them for support, but doing this has potential consequences.

Your children have their own goals and financial obligations, and expecting them to shoulder the burden of your retirement can put a strain on their finances. And this can also affect your relationship with them.

They should be focusing on their own financial security—meeting their needs and preparing for their future.

So, it is very important to be responsible for your own retirement. Take proactive steps through saving, investing, and proper financial planning.

b. Depending on the Government
Benefits like social security were never intended to be your sole source of income upon retirement.

If you rely only on them, it can leave you with insufficient funds. And it might not be enough to cover all your expenses, especially if you have specific retirement goals or healthcare needs.

In addition, government policies and benefits can change over time, with the possibility of reducing the amount you receive or increasing the age at which you qualify.

Instead, it's crucial to supplement government benefits with personal savings and investments to have a more secure and comfortable retirement.

Now, I understand that we all have our own unique situations. Each of us is in different stages of our financial journey. That’s why here are some reminders when it comes to your retirement planning.

Reminders for Planning Your Retirement

If you’ve retired early and have already saved enough retirement fund to last a lifetime…
You can consider looking at options for building recurring income for life, such as building a portfolio that’s paying out dividends regularly.

Get the most out of your finances and make it work hard for you. Utilize this opportunity to grow your money and pursue your interests.

What’s important is to create a fulfilling and meaningful retirement experience that aligns with your values and aspirations.

If you’re just starting out…
Invest regularly and automate it if possible. Add more when you get your bonuses or have extra savings. Most importantly, invest in the right asset classes in alignment with your goals, risk appetite, and timeframe.

If you’re worried that you may end up using your retirement funds prematurely, have a clear goal that it cannot be touched and stick to it. While easier said than done, what you can do is put it into an account you cannot access as easily, like a savings account. Investment accounts that have delays in liquidation may help reduce impulse buying tendencies as well.

I mentioned above that it’s better to start preparing for your retirement as early as possible, but others may not have the luxury of time anymore. So for those who are in this situation, here’s my opinion.

If you’re already nearing retirement age, and don’t have funds yet…
Start saving now. Consider the possibility of working beyond retirement age and look for multiple sources of income.

Usually, those who are more advanced in age may not have as much energy as young people but they have a lot more wisdom and experience. Use this to your advantage.

You can also think about reviewing your lifestyle and reducing expenses wherever possible. This way, you can increase your budget for savings and investments.

Lastly, don’t forget that you can always seek guidance from your trusted financial advisor. We are here to help you throughout your financial journey.

And if you’re worried about how things are going, it’s okay to pray for clarity and ask for better opportunities. But keep in mind to put in the work to achieve the goals you prayed for.

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